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Find out your test results

How to request your test result

Most test results will be available within 7-10 days - laboratory results are received electronically; everything else is received by fax or post.

It is your responsibility to telephone us after 7-10 days to request your results - this ensures they are dealt with safely and efficiently.

Please do not request test results before 9:30am - the receptionists will be busy dealing with on-the-day appointment requests.

When the surgery will contact you

We will contact you by post if any essential action is required.  Sometimes, we will sent you the result by text message.  We will contact you by telephone if it is more urgent.  Therefore, please make sure the surgery has an up to date record of your address and telephone numbers at all times.

The practice team are only able to reveal and discuss the results of tests that we have arranged directly.  If a test was arranged by another NHS provider, e.g. a hospital, please contact them if you have any questions relating to that test, including the result.

The practice has a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection, and we will only release test results to the person to whom they relate.  The only exceptions are if we have been given prior permission to discuss test results with a third party, or if the patient is not capable of understanding them.

How to return a sample to the surgery

If one of our clinicians has asked you to provide a sample please return it to the surgery before 12pm so that it can be collected that day by the specialist courier.  Most samples will not keep overnight and the test will have to be repeated.

Containers can be obtained from reception.  Please do not use any other kind of container to keep your sample.  Containers must be labelled with your name, date of birth and date and time of the specimen. 

Important: Advice to Patients

Please do not leave a sample at the surgery unless you have been asked to do so by one of our clinicians - otherwise we may not be able to process or send it.